Commercial Industrial Refrigeration Factoring
As if the commercial industrial refrigeration were not tough enough on its own, there will always be hassles to confront during dire times when the issue of finance calls for a thorough evaluation of the company�s expenses. In an industry where the fluidity of capital is essential in providing the services necessary to successfully run the business, a lapse in financial judgment could be the deciding factor between failure and success, as well as longevity in the business. The good news, though, is that there are many options that could be explored, and factoring is probably among the most viable ones available if you need some fast cash.Fast Cash and No Collateral
Most businesses first consider a loan, however a loan is not recommended for short term quick fixes when it comes to financial management. Not only will you need collateral for such a process, you would also be setting aside what potential profit to be gained for interest, which could prove to be derogatory for your business in the long run. Factoring companies exist to offer flexible services in which they would be betting against your client invoices. The wait for these invoices to be converted to cash could take weeks or even months. What factoring companies do is give you the cash equivalent of those invoices and collect the amount themselves. In short, they are the ones who would wait for your clients to pay up.
This industry involves a lot of high-volume and immediate services for big industry players. Air-conditioning services is a must for office buildings everywhere across the world. Commercial refrigeration is an essential service requisite for grocery stores and supermarkets. Industrial refrigeration involves the food industry and large industrial premises such as ice skating rinks. Marine refrigeration requires air-conditioning systems aboard large fishing vessels. What all of these have in common is the immediate need for the provision of a cooling system which you could not devise out of thin air. The production materials needed for such systems cost a lot, and sometimes when capital is not just available, one could not afford to wait until pending invoices are converted to cash for extra capital.
How NeeBo Capital Could Help...
NeeBo Capital has been a leading factoring company which has been servicing commercial industrial refrigeration firms for a long time now. Aside from the fast processing of increased capital for your day-to-day operations, NeeBo Capital also offers low factoring rates for amounts that fall between USD5k and USD10 million. Perhaps the most notable feature would be the irrelevance of your credit rating history. Given how factoring companies rely on the reputation of your clients instead of yours, you are guaranteed a fast increase in capital as long as you have those invoices at hand. Along with flexible terms, no monthly minimums, and interest rates that start at just around 0.59%, who really needs to take a loan when factoring is available?
Get a free consultation from oneTake advantage of low factoring rates in the Commercial Industrial Refrigeration industry Today!!
Why Choose Us?
Rates at 0.59% - 1.5% for 30 days
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General Articles about Accounts Receivable Financing and Factoring:
» 08/01/2012 Debt Financing or Off Balance Sheet Financing?
» 11/30/2012 Utilizing Factoring as a Alternative to Traditional bank Credit
» 07/22/2012 Increase Your Business Lines Of Credit By Factoring Accounts Receivables
» 09/15/2011 What to know when selecting a Factoring Company