Five Flexible, Convenient And Fast Benefits For Auto Mechanics From Invoice Factoring

Insufficient Cash Flow Spells Trouble
Money can be a challenge because almost always, auto mechanics get it in the form of outstanding invoices from slow-paying clients. This kind of situation for a small business, meanwhile, means that the cash flow is disrupted. Vehicle mechanics, who are usually small business owners, realize that waiting for their customers to pay after the issuance of an invoice means waiting between 30 and 90 days for them to do so.
This condition results in numerous opportunities lost for added revenue due to lack of funds as working capital. The lack of working capital restricts small business owners from expanding their market, purchasing new equipment, and meeting payroll demands. Waiting for payments from customers who have been issued invoices upset�s a small business� inventory, staffing or equipment necessary to increase production, fulfill orders and generate more sales.
The Benefits of Invoice Factoring
Through invoice factoring, auto mechanics that have their own small business are able to fill in the gap between the last and next job orders. Invoice factoring gives the small business owner the benefits of:
- 1. Adding to the inventory or providing new services or products to customers.
- 2. Gaining competitive edge over competitors in providing more flexible terms to customers.
- 3. Giving the small business the resources to market services or products extensively to potential or new customers.
- 4. Providing the ability to fulfill the requirements of larger orders or service more accounts.
- 5. Ensure and improve cash flow to meet operational expenses and other financial obligations adequately and in a timely manner.
It isn�t enough, however, to engage the services of a factoring company you hardly know anything about. Trustworthiness is the primary element in choosing a factoring company, followed by reliability and professional. With NeeBo Capital, a small business owner is assured that his chosen factoring company will work for his business� best interests. NeeBo Capital offers spot factoring, traditional factoring, and working capital for auto body shop owners.
Don�t, take advantage of low factoring rates in the Auto Mechanic industry Today!
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Rates at 0.59% - 1.5% for 30 days
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» 08/01/2012 Debt Financing or Off Balance Sheet Financing?
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